TrialQuest provides a comprehensive approach to litigation support through our strategic trial consulting, multi-media trial graphics, and trial presentation services. We help trial teams navigate the complexities of litigation and gain a winning edge.
We are the combined result of two pioneering trial services companies, TrialEx and DecisionQuest, each with over 30 years of experience advising and supporting litigators across the country. By uniting our strengths, we offer an expanded suite of comprehensive solutions for all phases of litigation, empowering trial teams to confidently present the most persuasive case.

Our seasoned professionals have a proven track record of supporting more than 20,000 high-risk trials, arbitrations, and mediations across all practice areas. With TrialQuest, litigators have a team of experts available, including Jury Consultants, Ph.D. Behavioral and Social Scientists, Senior Visual Consultants, Multi-Media Designers, Certified Medical Illustrators/Animators, Forensic Animators, Presentation Specialists, and Case Managers. Our combined expertise enables us to communicate complex information more effectively to judges and juries.
We understand the dynamic nature of litigation and are committed to helping our clients achieve the best possible outcomes. We excel in providing outstanding service, reasonable pricing, and cutting-edge technology. We take enormous pride both in the quality of our work and in the outcome of the cases we support.
The key to our success is a combination of

Our seasoned professionals are experts in behavioral science, legal analysis and visual communications to help our clients navigate through high-risk and complex matters. We bring expertise to every area of litigation, including (but not limited to): Personal Injury, Medical Malpractice, Securities, Intellectual Property, Aviation, Maritime, Environmental, Insurance, Construction, Criminal, Product Liability, Labor & Employment, and Contract disputes.
Commitment to Quality
We ensure every completed project meets or surpasses our clients’ expectations. At TrialQuest, we take great pride in our work and in our clients’ satisfaction. Regardless of the size or length of trial, the TrialQuest team knows each client’s case is important and each client deserves, and receives, the highest quality work possible.

Attention to Deadlines
Cases are ever evolving, as are the needs for trial preparation and support. Our staff is flexible and ready to meet short deadlines and after-hours needs.
Our Litigation Support Services Include:
Jury Consulting | Jury Research | Case Consultation | Mock Trials | Focus Groups | Witness Preparation | Venue Evaluation Research | Jury Selection | Voir Dire Consulting | Opening Statement Studies | Shadow Juries | Medical Legal Illustrations and Animations | Trial Graphics | Exhibits for Trial | Graphic Design | 3D Animation | 2D Animation | Settlement Videos | Day in the Life Videos | Presentation Development and Creation | Presentation Equipment Rental | War Room Setup | Trial Presentation Operator in Court | Post-Trial Analysis & Jury Interviews