Trial Consulting Services
The courtroom is no place for trial and error. Our jury research and consulting services offer strategic insights into the dynamics that influence your case. Our team of experienced consultants have a proven track record of supporting more than 53,000 high-risk trials, arbitrations, and mediations across all practice areas. Our wide range of capabilities include focus groups, mock trials, witness preparation, jury selection, voir dire consulting, social media analysis, shadow juries, post-trial analysis, and more. Our trial consultants will meet with you to discuss the best strategy for your case.

Early Case Consultation
The goal of early case consultation is to objectively examine all components of your case, identifying strengths as well as potential vulnerabilities and provide greater assistance to produce the desired results. This is an invaluable asset in the formation of the most influential case presentation possible, particularly when conducted early in the discovery stage. One of the major benefits of early case consultation is to have the opportunity to formulate refinements and devise a course of action to sway the unconvinced.
Venue Evaluation Research
Venue evaluation research tests the attitudes of jury-eligible citizens and analyzes decision patterns in likely litigation locations to produce a list of preferred venues. Using both online and telephone surveys, our highly experienced social scientists design surveys to analyze whether jurors in the proposed venue are biased towards your client and/or if the venue is satisfactory for the trial. Our consultants are also available to testify about the survey results.
Damages Analysis Study
Understanding how jurors perceive key issues and evaluations of potential damages is a critical aid for negotiations. Our damages analysis research includes theme building, presentations, and various damages models to evaluate how jurors commonly make decisions.
Opening Statement Study
You only get one shot to make a first impression. We help you make it count. Our team assess the impact of opening statements with surrogate jurors to measure impact and adjust your message and delivery before trial.

Shadow Jury
Monitored during proceedings and interviewed intensively each evening, a shadow jury representing the demographics of your jury pool is chosen to provide invaluable feedback on the effectiveness of your presentation and the ongoing dynamics of a trial.
Mock Bench Trial or Arbitration Panel Study
Recognizing that bench trials and arbitration proceedings are different than jury trials, we focus on testing the arguments of both sides including briefs, presentations by the attorneys, cross-examination of witnesses, and more. Zeroing in on the strongest and weakest arguments of both sides, the process is an in-depth assessment of the effectiveness of your arguments and a critical evaluation of evidence and graphics. We can also facilitate other proceedings, including mock Daubert hearings, arbitrations and mediations.

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