3D Models

Scaled Models And 3D Printing

A courtroom model as a demonstrative exhibit can be utilized as an overall map of your case. In some cases, having a physical model left up during parts of testimony serves as a reference point and educational demonstrative. A 3D model allows for viewing multiple angles versus a computer animation that may only show the jury one angle for reference.

Black-and-white 3D Model print of a cyst and right is the full-color

Custom 3D Model Final Print

Silicone 3D model cyst to scale placed by a ruler

Silicone Cystectomy 3D Model

Stock anatomical model of a baby in the birth canal. Model is to-scale and pink-skin colored.

Types Of Models

Stock Anatomical Models

Anatomy models are an effective educational tool for explaining human anatomy in a courtroom setting. These models are typically general anatomy anatomical models that give detailed insight into the human body. Some models may have separate pieces that can be removed to show deeper into the anatomy.

Custom 3D Printed Models

These models are created from 3D laser scanner technology like Faro, Pix4D Drone Scanning, etc., or created by a 3D animator. Many 3D printers can only print up to a particular size, which may be too small for courtroom use. However, one TrialQuest client wanted to show the actual size of an infant’s heart. TrialQuest 3D-printed the heart based on the infant’s CT images, allowing the jurors to hold the heart while an animation of the medical procedure was shown.

3D silicone model of a human heart and an infant heart based on an infant’s CT images. A quarter in the photo shows size of the hearts.

Physical Scaled Models

Hand-crafted physical scaled models are an accurate reproduction of a location or product. Examples of physical scaled models in the courtroom may be accident locations, buildings, products or typographical maps. These models may be created as a full-size reproduction or scaled down for easier courtroom use.

Graphics and models are not just for jurors. Judges and arbitrators need educational demonstrative exhibits as well. TrialQuest clients have used 3D models in hearings with judges, arbitrations, and mediations.

Wondering if a 3D model would help your case?