Medical Illustrations

Illustrations, Diagnostic Films, and Stock Exhibits.
Browse through over 7,000 medical illustrations in our extensive online gallery!

Educating a jury about complex anatomical, surgical or pharmaceutical concepts and terms can be a challenging part of a case. Our experience in presenting these types of cases gives us the ability to plan and create medical illustrations that will accurately translate complex information into easily understood exhibits.

To do this, TrialQuest employs only Certified Medical Illustrators with post-graduate degrees. Our Medical Illustrators have the training and understanding of the medical field which enables them to accurately and effectively illustrate or animate human anatomy, injuries, surgeries, and other related conditions.

Colorized knee X-ray shows a Tibial Plateau fracture
Compromised blood flow in a dissected blood vessel illustration and fracture within hip-to-foot illustrated human leg

Colorized Films

X-Rays, Illustration Overlays & 3D Film Colorization

Our Medical Illustrators can turn black and white, difficult to understand diagnostic films, into clear and convincing exhibits. From a 2-D Colorized MRI showing soft tissue damage, to a 3-D Colorized X-Ray emphasizing Post-Operative Hardware, we can bring your client’s film to life.

We Offer
MRIs | Mammograms | CTs | Angiograms X-Rays | Ultrasound

Medical Illustration

Custom & Library Medical Illustrations

Medical illustrations can highlight the severity of an injury or explain the complexities of a surgical procedure in an easy-to-understand format. Our Medical Illustrators have the ability to accurately illustrate the steps of any given surgery or visually explain any medical process. We create illustrations directly from depositions, reports, diagnostic films, or expert opinions.

TrialQuest can provide you with accurate medical artwork at competitive and affordable prices. The combination of qualified in-house Certified Medical Illustrators along with our library of medical illustrations, allows us to provide you with quality exhibits in minimal time.

C3-T1 Laminectomy, decompression, fixation illustration of colorized film and illustrations of problem contrasted by a normal spine illustration, pre- and post-op x-rays
trial & jury consulting
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